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Juno Wine Company: our featured winery of the month.

Juno Wine CompanyWhether you typically enjoy a bottle of cabernet sauvignon, chardonnay, sauvignon blanc or shiraz, Juno Wine Company has the wine for you. Get it here>>

The Juno Wine Company - based in the town of Paarl in the heart of South Africa's winelands - was born of a marriage between wine and art. Since the founding of the winery Tertia du Toit's unique and alluring Cape Maidens labels have attracted great consumer interest and attention.

Juno Wine is a Fairtrade Company

FairTrade WineBuying Fairtrade wine helps ensure that farmers and workers are receiving a fair price – as well as an additional premium to help their community invest in essential services such as education, sanitation and healthcare. 

How to get Juno Wine:
Visit McAdam Buy-Rite - 398 3rd Ave, New York, NY
Shop online: